Security in an Insecure World
Is there anything certain and anyplace where I can find true security?

Biblical Perspective on Covid-19
When the Almighty needs to get the world’s attention He doesn’t need an atomic bomb to do so. A virus has brought the world to its knees.

America Attacked!
A meditation from God's Word about our struggle with evil, our source of comfort and hope, our light for a path forward. Just as poignant and applicable as when it was written in response to 9-11 in 2001!

Sovereignty of God in Sorrow
Why did this happen to me? Where is God?

Person of the Gospel
God’s Word reveals that true salvation is found in a relationship with a living Person.

How Can We Know the Bible is True?
This article examines historical evidences and facts which are internal and external to the Bible in order to test its truth, accuracy, authority, dependability and relevance to today's life situations.

Glory of God
May the Lord give us greater understanding and appreciation for this little word, “glory”, so often used, and often, so little understood.

Today is the day of God’s grace. One day, the Day of the Lord will come.

The Mosaic Covenant
Numerous verses in the Bible point to the fact that this covenant of the law was made with only one nation, Israel, one people, the Jewish people. Gentiles were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise. (Eph. 2:12) Are Christians subject to this law ?

Blessed be Egypt, My People
A proclamation of the true and living God! It comes from the prophet Isaiah and is even more startling when the entire verse is quoted along with the other verses in the passage.

How Can We Know the Bible is True?
This article examines historical evidences and facts which are internal and external to the Bible in order to test its truth, accuracy, authority, dependability and relevance to today's life situations.

God and the Nations Today
Is God now intervening in the affairs of the world's nations in the same way as He did in the Old Testament? Is He dealing with national sins? Does He still bless national righteousness? Are natural catastrophes a direct response by God to human sins? --> Thinking through an answer in the light of Biblical revelation....

Gospel Blimp -- Revisited?
how to witness to your neighbors and your neighborhood ?

"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed...."

The Passion of the Christ: A Biblical Perspective
This evaluation of the movie The Passion of the Christ seeks to evaluate the thinking of the Lord's church as to what we believe pleases God and what we are willing to accept and even promote.

Key of David
Key of David seeks to edify God's people in their responsibility to an ever growing dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ as the key into the greatest accomplishment and treasures of the faith. Click photo for Volume #1 in PDF.

TRACT: What God has done for me
Larry Price's personal testimony.
Click here to read for free or to find out how paper copies may be obtained.

FOLLETO: Lo Que DIOS Ha Hecho Por Mi
El testimonio de Larry Price en español.
Haga clic aquí para leer gratis o para averiguar cómo se pueden obtener copias en papel.

Ce qu’il a fait pour moi, Il peut le faire pour toi.
Témoignage de Larry Price en français.
Lisez vous ici ou l'on peut obtenir des copies.

TRACT: The Tabernacle, A Picture of Good Things to Come
The tabernacle was a sacred tent where the presence of God dwelt among Israel as they journeyed through the desert from Egypt to their promised land. The New Testament Scriptures call the tabernacle a figure of good things to come, good news concerning the Son of God, Jesus the Christ.
Click here to read for free or to find out how paper copies may be obtained.